Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Enjoy Recipes Illustrated

We have made a table, chairs, and a number of materials available so that visitors can respond to a recipe of their choice here in the space. Immediacy can be a blessing.

Ours is a curious collection of things we found in our office and storage spaces, please also feel free to bring in your own materials to work with. You'll also find a second table for finished responses, which will be installed every second day, or so.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Enjoy Recipes Illustrated ... a call for responses

"Readers of the Enjoy Blog may have noticed that for the past few weeks recipes have been appearing."


Enjoy Recipes Illustrated

Curated by the Enjoy Trust: Amit Charan, Bronwyn Holloway-Smith, Molly Samsell, Ann Shelton, Kate Woods 29 Sept - 16 Oct

The Enjoy Trust has been invited to take hold of the gallery space from late September, and during this time they will be working on a project that celebrates Enjoy's social, inclusive and community-focussed spirit: through Enjoy Recipes Illustrated (A Cookbook In Progress).

Readers of the Enjoy Blog may have noticed that for the past few weeks recipes have been appearing. These recipe submissions are in preparation for the Enjoy Trust's curated project, during which time familiar and new members of the Enjoy community have the opportunity to partake in the construction of an art/recipe book through an open call for artistic responses to any selected recipe. Food is a basic, yet pleasurable necessity, and is something we can all relate to. We all have to cook at some point and cooking is afterall a creative endeavour.

To participate check out the recipes on the Enjoy blog, chose one (or several) and respond to them in any manner or medium that grabs you. Additional recipes will be appearing through the course of the show, and submitted responses will be on display in the gallery space. Please note that submitted responses may need to be documented in a 2D format for inclusion in the publication (although not all submissions will be published) and may end up on the Enjoy blog, in the gallery space for people to then make artistic responses to, and/or in an edited art/recipe book - which will be published in coming months. Any posted responses need to include pre-paid postage and envelope/carton packaging for returning artwork.

There is not an opening for this show. Instead, the Trust has decided to donate the artist's fee for this show back to its community through the hosting of a feast and recipe book launch later in the year, showcasing some of the recipes and submissions.

Image: Response to Areta and Mark's roast fresh Titi stuffed with a simple onion, garlic, fresh thyme and bread crumb stuffing, by Mark Adams and Areta Wilkinson

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

Banana Cake

Banana Pancakes

Berry Calfoutis

Chicken Marbella, (a classic 70s dinner-party dish)

Chop Suey

Claire’s French pen-friend’s chestnut puree dessert

Dhal, but maybe not the usual way

Fruit Cocktail Dessert

Lamb pilav with cabbage and caraway (adapted from Moro)

Lucy's recipe for Afghans adapted from Edmonds

PEArless Soup

Pineapple Tarts

plum bread and butter pudding

Quickest and best crumble topping (flourless)

Quick-Fry Vegetable Balls

Recipe for disaster

Samoan Fruit Pie

Tongue squares