About year ago I was contacted by 60 minutes who wanted me to comment on some images attached to the e-mail. These were works by an artist whose name they could not disclose, but were planning on doing a feature on in an upcoming programme.
Seeing the works I flatly refused to comment. Paintings were later announced to be the work of a two-year-old Australian girl who has continued to exhibit, among other places, in a Melbourne art gallery.
The toddler's parents are artists, and (quote http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7963326.stm ) say the work is all hers, and they are no different from other parents who encourage their children's potential. From what I understand the toddler's masterpieces are now selling for several thousands.
I am therefore particularly pleased to announce that Enjoy seems to have aquired its very own toddler artist, and seeing the work in the flesh so to speak, I think it is as pleasing a poster or art work as we have ever had pinned to our noticeboard. The question is, who is the person who painted this, and did anyone assist the artist in pinning the work on our noticeboard?