Saturday, June 6, 2009

Elam information evening

Thinking aboutstudying Fine Arts?

Elam School of Fine Arts at The University of Auckland are running information evenings in Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin.

This is an opportunity to find out more about undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, student services and support, accommodation and scholarships.

Join Gavin Hipkins and Derrick Cherrie 
between 6:30 and 8:00pm at the following locations:

Wellington – Monday 15 June
Enjoy Public Art Gallery
Level 1/147 Cuba Street

Christchurch – Thursday 18 June
The Physics Room
Second Floor, Old Central Post Office Building,
209 Tuam Street

Dunedin – Friday 19 June
Blue Oyster Gallery
24b Moray Place
Moray Chambers Building basement
(Blue door, down alleyway opposite Rialto)

To register email

For programme information contact
+64 9 373 7599, ext 86623

Image: Peter Stichbury, Zach Klein 2008, acrylic on linen, 80 x 100 cm.
Private collection, Santa Monica. Photo: Jennifer French.

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