Friday, July 24, 2009

Space Odyssee

It's come up a lot in conversations recently, and may be one of those age old questions. But let's throw it out there anyway. Why are there so few Artist Run Initiatives in Wellington? One, c'mon we can do better than that...(!)

There are plenty in good ol' Auckland, hell even New Plymouth had one for a while there - Just Art on Devon St. Surely, in fact without doubt there is room for an extra project space, or three in the windy city.

It's no co-incidence that Massey SOFA and Enjoy are celebrating ten years, within a stone's throw of each other. It's the no-one-is-showing-the-work-we-like-so-lets-just-show-it-ourselves kinda buzz that art schools foster, which provides the genesis for ARIs, isn't it? 
So I put it to the students: Anything on the horizon?

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